Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are welcome!
The Branch School encourages active parent participation in the life of the school and support of your child’s education.
Volunteers work with teachers and students in the classroom, the library and on field trips. Many parents contribute time and energy serving in various activities and on committees for the Parents Association. Parents are encouraged to share their special interests and talents when these relate to units being studied in the classroom. We are grateful for the many ways parents make a real difference at The Branch School.
There are sign-up opportunities at the beginning of the school year. We also post sign-up sheets prior to every event, allowing you to sign up for any specific areas of interest. Background checks do need to be done on driver chaperones. You are welcome to volunteer at any time. Students benefit from your outreach to their school community.
Volunteers are needed for events such as:
Open House
Book Fairs
Room Parents
Go Texan Day
Field Day
Field Trips
Junior Achievement
Fall N2 Fitness
Gingerbread House Night
Fall Carnival
Annual Auction
And many more!